Help the Hatters Update 39..( Flags, Graft, a Fund and a Rose!)

With Alan Lord tying up the signing of striker Chris Sharp with a handshake on the pitch ( Nigel Farago typically missed this photo Op!),Working Party 12  swung into action around Edgeley Park last night.

There were 25 supporters on site, and whilst there was a heavier than usual emphasis on cleaning, still much good work went on with paint and brush. The cleaning largely involved the Cheadle End where Pat and Julie worked wonders getting the lower tiers ready for a paint job, probably next week.


Big inroads were made into finishing off the Main Stand walkway-this called for some precise work and Darren, Luke, Neil and Ralph proved decidedly up to the task!
I have not named everyone present, but they know who they are, and all 25 get the thumbs up from me!

After- 2 views courtesy of Darren Berry.

Please note that next week`s Working Party will be on MONDAY 21st July 2014, to take account of County`s game at Buxton the following evening!

There was some excitement , over and above AL`s signing, early on last night as Carl Whitehouse busied himself with the job of fixing the newly acquired flags to the freshly painted poles , before erecting same.

In almost no time at all it was `job done’ and there were new positions for the flags this time. To honour Danny Bergara`s memory, the central flag was that of Uruguay, which was immediately flanked by the flag of St George and the magnificent new Help the Hatters flag, 

leaving the Union flag and the Cheshire County pole topper on the flanks!
Wow did they look great!
You may have heard about the Players Fund set up by the Supporters Cooperative to supplement Alan Lord`s playing budget and thus aid his efforts to gain us promotion.
Help the Hatters have been supportive of this idea from the onset and were quick to provide a dedicated bank account for the purposes of receiving donations or regular payments into the fund, making an initial donation of £500 to kick things off.
Details of the account are;-

Cooperative Bank
Account no : 69512571
Sort Code :    08 92 99

As I say  regular payment`s  via standing order or d/d, however small, would be ideal , but one off payments would be great too ,and in this respect the following sites have a `donate ‘ button which is linked solely to the above named fund. not a link)

In addition, more info can be obtained via

And.....finally.....I hope you will bear with me if I mention the rose bush in my back garden. Standing alone, in my largely neglected garden, the bush has had a bad time of late.
Year after year the hardy plant has defied the neglect to give forth glorious displays even in December and January midst the snow flurries. has had some magnificent years, but last year I failed to spot an encroaching sucker plant, and for the first time late blooms!
Belatedly I took action to dispose of the intruder, but throughout 2014 there was no sign of life at all- I began to fear the worst!
Then a weedy little bloom struggled forth, and I , again belatedly, actually thought to water the bush and even added some fertilizer!
The result was heart warming......the weedy bloom burst forth – a picture of life, and I am telling myself that I can see the hint of a second possible bloom!

The Rose this morning...there IS hope !
I took this as a metaphor for County`s position.....rather mirroring our success and demise of late, but also the hopeful signs that are definitely emerging!
Whether it`s the Supporters Cooperative.....Help the Hatters......the message boards( usually the source some would say, of doom and gloom)......GH and SB behind the scenes, or the fan base in general...there is a buzz starting to be generated about the old place, and I for one am greatly heartened!

IO County

Ian Brown            

Additional Gallery;

What a line up....Barras, Jones & Todd !

Darren prevents carnage as Tony B sets up his plastering job !


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