Salford City 1 Stockport County 0 ( League 2 Play Off First Leg)Saturday 13 May 2023




( All words and images by hedgegrower)

County go into next Saturday`s second leg at Edgeley Park trailing by 1 goal having lost 1-0 to Salford City at the Peninsular Stadium in last night`s Play-off Semi Final First leg.

Disappointment is one word to use to describe it……disappointment that it took County until deep into the second half to start to take the game to their opponents with anything resembling regularity and resolve- our slow build-up up to that point allowing Salford time to re-group and suss out how to nullify our moves.

But was that all that surprising as the blues had just one forward on show until the hour mark when Olaofe came on with Rydel? Whilst packing your side with forwards will not guarantee you a shed load of goals, leaving one recognised forward ploughing a lonely furrow is a risky business too and not entirely best practise.

County looked a different proposition from the moment that company arrived for Stretton, no longer the team second to most 50/50`s,in it to win it, but despite a fair amount of pressure late on the Lancashire outfit held on to their lead.

At this point however I feel compelled to mention the Referee Mr Tom Nield – he had an abysmal game by any standards, his decision making helping the home side`s cause from first to the final minute- as the man said “ where`s the assessor?”.



Back at 7.45 County had Evans and Byrne in their eleven for Lewis and Tanto who was on the bench. I was pleased to see 2 players I hope to see used extensively by ourselves next season, Cody Johnson and Ethan Pye on the bench if disconcerted to note Stretton was on a lone crusade up front.

Off the park the County following though small by comparison with what we wanted to send to Kersall Moor ( 536 `officials`) were already giving their side massive support…what a great supportive  noise greeted the team as they came onto the field!

Loan warrior Stretton was first to test out the home back line, he had assistance from Hippolyte whose shot gave Cairns the home keeper no issues.

Salford replied through Hendry whose shot went out for a corner which ushered in a potential nightmare moment for the blues as County just could not clear their lines to the extent that Mariappa was in on goal and odds on to score until Hinchliffe took a hand charging his effort down at point blank range- a terrific opener from the County keeper!

Four, five, six minutes in and Salford were playing some nippy football – Hinchliffe in great form again on 7 minutes keeping the lumbering giant Smith from another chance after Bolton had darted clear at speed.

County did stir 3 minutes later but Vassell stopped the rot for City keeping Stretton from Hippolyte’s through ball.

Back came Salford on the attack and Wright did well to stop Mc Aleny – ditto Hussey as Bolton kept the home raids going.

Then, with me wondering what County had in the way of a response, one came via Stretton whose pass picked Evans out in a decent scoring position. A shot followed but Cairns managed to push this out. Cue a posse of blue shirts interesting themselves on getting a shot in and the honour fell to Croasdale, but his effort came back out off the bar and kept it disappointingly on 0-0.

Had either one of those efforts sneaked in…….

But they didn`t and it had crucial impact on the game but not as much impact as Mr Nield I opine, but read on…..

Salford went straight onto the attack down the right, a deep cross heading towards the back of the box where Horsfall was awaiting its arrival. Sadly, so was Smith in the immediate vicinity behind the County number six and his approach to the situation was simple and crude and, applied with force at speed, his bulky frame had Horsfall chewing Kersall mud in an instant as the ball flew from the assailants head into the net.

That was a clear foul and perpetrated right under the appalling Mr Nield`s nose but the matter was not ,apparently given another moments consideration as he signalled a goal!

Two more ludicrous decisions from the official pretty soon after that confirmed we were in for a long night, and he kept it up for most of the remainder of the game!

Mallan`s drive failed to cause Hinchlffe any distress on 25 minutes, but more from Mr N does the iffiest of calls by him seeing us defending a free kick set up nicely by Salford just outside the box. Hinchliffe again did well diving to push the ball for a corner which Croasdale and Camps combined to run clear until that is the latter was `taken out` by the not too particular Mc Aleny.

We got a free kick but McAleny knew no real redress was heading his way, and when County`s free kick went nowhere, Hinchliffe was back in action again stopping the rot as the blues shed possession like you would a warm coat on a summers day.

Smith headed wide for Salford from a corner with less than 10 minutes left of the half, 10 minutes that saw County enjoying time on the ball but without ever doing that much with it.

County did win a corner close to half time at the precise moment that all attention switched to behind the goal which housed County`s main body of support. The terrace also unwisely housed non-County fans and it was in that section that the issue was, seeing police and stewards wading in to sort matters.

I make no assumptions as to who caused what other than to say if Salford had given us the whole of that terrace( like they usually do)or indeed HAD A PROPER CORDON SANITAIRE IN PLACE twixt the blue and red supporters none of this would have happened but for whatever reason they ignored safety in favour of monetary gain so must carry any carriable can that comes with this situation.

It has to be said that it settled down after the immediate distraction, but County made nothing of the corner or 2 minutes added time which ended with Mallan`s shot being charged down in the crowded box by County after Bolton had failed to make headway for Salford.


The re-start saw Salford on the attack again – Hinchliffe continuing where he left off before the break by saving Hendry`s strike.

County replied via Evans and Hussey but without causing Salford any real discomfort, indeed it was County who looked discomforted as their opponents broke quickly from the blue raid forcing a corner.

This was cleared comfortably enough, but a real response from County was by now long overdue bearing in mind just how damaging the concession of a second goal would be.

I was amazed to see us get a free kick 10 minutes into the half- surely a mistake on Mr N`s part, but it was way outside the box so…..

Hussey lifted the kick into the box where the annoying Smith headed clear, Cairns keeping Stretton from the ball as County followed up.

The attacking continued from County midst which there was a definite `hand to ball` moment involving Mariappa  in the box but the speed of the referees dismissive signal must have alarmed any neutrals in the crowd- it just routinely horrified me but no more than seeing what followed on as a further couple of County shots were charged down inducing the resourceful Mariappa to feign death crashing to the earth as if all life was extinguished!

This increased the level of my anger towards Mr Nield who again quickly signalled a City free kick based on not one scintilla of evidence in my view!

At this point County shuffled the pack bringing Rydel and Olaofe on for Hippolyte and Croasdale. Whilst I welcomed the two incomers I was less than happy that again Croasdale was an early subbing, his  influence and input badly needed in my view .

No matter, County noticeably upped the revs from this point, Mariappa doing well to put head to ball this time and neatly curtail the blues forward push.

Then it was Tanto`s turn and a terrific run by him had us gasping until Salford closed ranks and stopped the blue advance.

On it went with Cairns just in time to beat Stretton to a through ball with less than 25 minutes left.

Salford were now struggling to get a kick as County piled forward – Mariappa again at the hub of home resistance keeping Tanto out, Rydel getting the same response from Bolton and Shephard moments later.

Salford had to wait for their moment to reply but Hendry fluffed his lines with a half decent chance – a series of red corners put to bed eventually by a reassuring catch by Hinchliffe.

We were into the last 15 minutes of normal time now and County were again looking to attack, but a pacy run by Knoyle, who had been kept largely quiet by the City back line, was halted when he was hacked down by Mallan. We got the free kick…Mallan nothing in the way of comeuppance, and perhaps unsurprisingly County`s free kick came to nothing merely setting up a break by Salford that saw Watt shoot wide.

Salford were trying to get that second goal, but some excellent defending and lovely link up play by County had me smiling inwardly – we missed out on the break from that, but it was good to witness!

Rowe replaced Stretton with less than 10 minutes left as more excellence at the back allied to decent midfield movement saw County turn defence into attack but when Rydel darted clear he was hauled down by Bolton.

The free kick was wide left just outside the box and Knoyle hoisted it to the back post where much activity was in evidence. Key mover in this was Wright and his effort went out off one of several red shirted defenders. ` Corner` for sure but no….Mr Nield was away with the fairies once again signalling a goal kick almost before the ball went out!

Into the last 5 minutes we went with County dominating possession and looking for that equalising goal only for a defender`s outstretched leg to thwart a neat Evans/ Rydel combo. Knoyle took this but before a bevvy of eager County players could get at the incoming kick Mr F again defied footballing gravity signalling another lifesaving Salford free kick.

This was way beyond caricature now -the referee had seriously affected the outcome of the game.

He certainly bolstered any resistance that Salford could muster including a hefty hoik by Vassel out of the ground with Camps charging through onto Wright`s pass towards the end.

Four minutes added time just brought more attacking from County and a continuation of County supporters utter frustration at the referee.

It was ever thus I suppose, but it should not necessarily have to be so!

One down is not great going into the second leg but if we cannot come back from this result, we will perhaps have deserved another season in League 2.

But, with 10000 behind them next Saturday we can sort matters!

See you all at Edgeley Park then!


Salford City line up :-

Cairns , Touray , Watt , Hendry ( Lund 88), Mallan , Mariappa , Smith ( Morton 91), Mc Aleny ( Barry 88), Bolton , Shephard , Vassell .

Subs not used : Bellagambi , Jenkins , Leak , McLoughlin.


Stockport County line up:-

Hinchliffe , Knoyle , Wright , Byrne , Horsfall , Hussey , Croasdale ( Olaofe 60) , Camps , Hippolyte ( Rydel 60) , Evans , Stretton ( Rowe 81) .

Subs not used : Jaros , Davenport , Pye , C Johnson.

Attendance :3923  ( c 700)


















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