How the Devil Are Ya ?

How the Devil Are Ya ?

Well, the question was asked of the usual suspects in Help the Hatters in the hope of provoking a response , and here`s the result…or the first wave of it. If you have something to say….say 100 to 200 words … or indeed less, on any topic send em to – an accompanying photo would be great too, but this is not essential at all!
The idea being to let everyone know you are still about, and also this maybe prove therapeutic for both writer and reader .
Although this initial burst is from Help the Hatters regulars , anyone can send stuff in, give it a go !

Here we go then,but hedgegrower has been sworn to secrecy as to just which Help the Hatters stalwart sent this first contribution in......

In-Verse To-And-Fros? (thoughts on a Pandemic)

Fro forwards, to backwards?

Fro out, to in

Fro cask, to canned

Fro family or friends, to family and friends

Fro boxed jigsaws, to jigsaws boxed

Fro dirty, to clean

Fro zeros, to heroes

Fro no days, to Thursdays

Fro who?, to hello

Fro global, to local?

Fro collected, to delivered

Fro apart, to close?

Fro close, two metres

Fro none, to thirty million

Fro distant friends yearly, to distant friends weekly

Fro budding, to blooming

Fro bald, to bushy

Fro none, to thirty thousand

Fro our glorious promotion, to praying that we, nah all, survive this

Fro fro, to to



And it was no surprise at all to get a response from this next source, the only surprise was he kept it to 100 words.

This then from Adrian Caville, Secretary to, and hard working regular of  Help the Hatters , and blog writer…..

A Hundred Words

As the dear old planet we call home tries to dispense with us and why wouldn’t it
given our track record, I at least have a mini diversion from our troubles.
Our beloved club has allowed our pitch contractor and two HTH volunteers to appear
at EP on different days maybe once or twice a week and tend to the pitch and
surround. Weeding 200 metres of pitch side maybe not be everybody’s idea of fun
and not mine really, but having done it for 3 years its got a bit obsessive.
 Bugger, they are back again .


And 2 snippets from EP …`A Man and His Weeds` Before and After…..


Talking about workaholics, the next piece came in from Ray Pelham...........

 and it exhausted me just reading it………..


 My wife has run off with the next door-  I do miss him!
   Lots of jobs done and some not done .   Jobs done power washed  my drive  and front of my house. Patio and the cobble path in back garden,
Mowed grass front and back turned soil over .
Need mortar now for patio power washer blasted loose mortar out of the stones .
 Got 20 fences to paint in the garden  .
It's like end of season work with HTH  .
Ok Ian and all HTH crew ?  Take Care Stay Safe-  hope to see you all soon .


And our next welcome contribution comes from someone well known to all, well respected and loved.....

JG Lockdown 

The Black lining in a Silver Cloud.

Despite the obvious disappointment of the season shutting down abruptly and the uneasiness of no closure as of yet, I have enjoyed the many positives of this period. I’ve been able to enjoy all those things that work starts to block out - time with family, time to yourself and time to stop spinning. Becoming centred again with constant reminders of your families love and the important things in life like health and freedom. Appreciating those around us in our homes, in our community and society as a whole who are looking out for us. Being able to step back and enjoy the beautiful bounty of time. Time to do those little things undone; time to spend on the floor playing little games; time to recover what you used to do; time to read those books that were welcome presents but annoyed you because they reminded you of the lack of time and energy you had for the extras in life.

Is this a vision of what it looks like out of work, being retired or stepping away from everything. Maybe it‘s a reminder to us of the value of our job, our work and what we can give to society, whilst it’s unfulfilled. Or perhaps a vision of what it’s like without, and that jolts a new found respect for what we do, and how that defines who we are. Whichever or whatever,  I feel better for the break. I am blessed with no need or for that matter any greed. So not for me or the great work I want to achieve, but for all those that have fear or need, I can’t wait for the wheels of the world to start turning again.



Edd Powell meanwhile, has a couple of projects in mind come post covid,and he tells us about them......

 Hello everyone..Hope you're  all well,during  this unrecognizable  time ?

This lockdown  can be mind numbing  for some,with people  going stir crazy,crawling  the walls..!🤯 I speak  from experience, having depression,it's  not easy,but you have to cope ( broke down a few times,recently,but friends  helped me through  it )

The reason I write this piece, is because,the time away from people and normal you have a long time to think.( which I have..! Some people  would  say that's  rare for me ..! ) and too much tele to watch. There's  only so much Minder,The Professionals  and The Sweeney  one can watch...!

Two things  I have decided  to do ,when we reach train to be a physiotherapist and the to make a go of my passion,and hobby that I love and  programme  collecting..!

That is to set up a store somewhere  in Stockport,to sell programmes,badges,books...basically  anything  football  related  from this unit. Helping a very good friend  of mine Ian Wilson expanding his business,which he has in Chorley. Whether  I'll  make money out of it...who knows...?? But until I give it a go, I won't  know. You maybe  just need to have that one little gem,that collectors  want  for their  collection then you could  make a few quid..!!

Hopefully  you've  enjoyed the read about what I'm  going to do.?
I'll  let you all know when I'm up and running...STAY SAFE

Best wishes

Eddie  Powell

So that`s the first crop of short articles from and to the County family published.
Do you want to reassure peeps that you are still on the planet?
Do it...send it to hedgegrower, it just might prove therapeutic to you and to us!

Stay Safe !



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