The Wellspring Stockport.

I am guessing that ,like me, you have long felt sympathy with people who find themselves, for whatever reason, without a home to go to or a roof over their heads. For this the 21st century, it says rather a lot about our society, that this state of affairs is allowed to carry on, and people are left to live rough on the streets of our cities and towns, whilst government looks the other way.
It`s left to charities to sort the issue for government, and to the public`s seemingly endless generosity, but with cuts being the order of the governmental day now, and in the foreseeable future, these organisations are increasingly under pressure, and thus the need for support from you and me remains crucial if any headway is to be made at all.
In Stockport the issue is being tackled by The Wellspring, a charitable organisation that started out in a small hut in Fletcher Street in 1991. The Wellspring is now situated on Harvey Street and currently provides invaluable support for around 120 homeless people 365 days a year.

Wellspring Dining Area
Wellspring provides a hot meal ( twice daily), companionship, clothes, shower facilities , educational , job and medical advice ,and much more! In short.....they do excellent work thanks to the support they receive via donations.

How can we help?

Basically the main source of sustenance to the Wellspring which enables them to do the work that they do, comes from the following sources....

Donations of cash

At this point I will point you in the direction of the Wellspring web site   which in simple terms sets out ways that you and I can donate ( see also the link on this site under `favourite sites'). You could also phone 0161 477 6344 or email  for more information.
In addition Stockport County, and the Stockport County Supporters Cooperative are supporting the Wellspring ,who will be at Edgeley Park on 13th September for the match v Boston, so please support the collection on the day, and you can also donate by texting  SCFC14£1  to 70070 – if 2000 County supporters sent a quid, what an impact that would make!    

The Store Room.
Donations of Food and Warm Clothing.

These can be dropped off at the Wellspring on Harvey Street ( behind Robinsons Brewery). Warm coats and fleeces are particularly valued items, and just about anything you can manage food wise....tins of meat, fruit, coffee, tea, bread....the stuff we all need to stay alive ( the stock of tinned fruit was very low when I called last week).

The Wellspring Kitchen.

The Wellspring is entirely staffed by volunteers who do a fantastic job, amongst other things they provide a meal service twice a day. Volunteers can work either the 10.00 till 14.00 or 17.30 until 20.30 shifts, in the modern Stockport HQ .  I did a 10.00 – 14.00 shift last week and can say it was busy but not excessively so. The other volunteers were very welcoming and supportive, and the homeless were clearly appreciative of the service provided!
Why not visit the web site and check this aspect out further or rattle an email off to  .
Meanwhile it is the intention of the Supporters Cooperative, along with the Club, to support the Wellspring in the future, and we hope you will join us in this .

IO County

Ian Brown



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