Hatters Worldwide Series 2- 6 Paul Gregg ( Spain )

It`s 4 years since we heard from Paul Gregg in Spain , Paul( Dudley Hatter on County Heaven )is always a good read ,so it was a great pleasure to be contacted by him again with an update of his position that is crammed with news and positivity. Here`s a link to Paul`s earlier contribution in series 1- https://hedgegrower.blogspot.com/2020/12/hatters-worldwide-4-paul-gregg-spain.html Paul`s latest account of life in sunny Spain follows below….. ……………………………………………… Here is my update from El Palo Wow, I can’t believe it’s been four years since I talked about my life here in Malaga. Have things changed? Of course they have. I no longer live with the fantastic view of the cathedral. Instead, I’ve moved a different barrio (neighbourhood), I wonder if you can guess which one? Yes of course, El Palo. Thanks to the wonders of modern Internet dating and a pla...