Non League Heaven Non League Hell

As the current season peters out to a conclusion we can now ‘look forward’ to a fifth consecutive season outside the Football League. Whilst I think that there may be some plus points in following football at this level there are, invariably some pretty awful ones too. Although I have attended all but a handful of games at EP at Conference national/north level I have been unable to get to that many away games so there will be an innumerable amount of people better qualified to pen an article on this theme than me. By way of balance I suggested to hedgegrower that I pen a separate article highlighting the plus points of none league football; However.... after he fell about laughing manically I got the message. So here goes: The scene at EP 22 October 2011 Forest Green at Edgeley Park 22 nd October 2011 The scene is set, several thousand people including the usual smattering of away fans and press assemble on time. One ingredient however is missing – the a...