Colchester United 1 Stockport County 2 ( Football League 2 ) Tuesday 9 April 2024






County pretty much made promotion a certainty tonight in windswept Essex with an important  2-1 win against a feisty Colchester side, thus with other key players in the title race winning too , duly kept their 4-point lead intact at the top of the L2 table.

Only the most outlandish set of circumstances can thwart ……I mean delay the blues now, and the  maths would seem to deem that to be unlikely.

A single point against Morecambe will remove that small element of doubt, but it is a small element now after County had to dig deep and win ugly against a side that did relatively well in the circumstances but must have thoroughly disappointed the purists and any neutrals present with an irritating display of bog-standard dark arts that played the officials like a Stradivarius game long.

County`s performance in response was not their best- at times putting  a magnificent Tuesday evening following of not far short of 800 through a nervous hell.

But, as I have said before, a win is a win is a win, and this one keeps us  ahead of the L2 pack and in good nick thanks to goals from Nick Powell and Paddy Madden , and Louie Barry had a welcome run out that lifted morale late on too.

So, whilst delirious celebrations can perhaps be put off for now- Saturday`s  another day and Edgeley Park just the place for a celebration!



There were 3 changes for County as Bristow , Evans and Powell lined up in place of Touray , Bailey and Camps as a striking rainbow greeted the teams onto the pitch.






My only qualm at the lineup was that both Camps and Croasdale were on the bench when I felt one of them should have started.

The first couple of minutes saw County under pressure – Tanto replying , going close for the blues just a minute later.

Anderson was looking a likely lad for United down the right, but a raid instigated by him on 5 minutes fizzled tamely out.

A period of solid pressure followed from County -Bristow and Sarcevic both denied in rapid order down the left – Madden going closer than both but settling for a corner. County looked hungry for a goal but despite shots and headers testing the home defences it stayed 0-0.

Both sides wasted set pieces next- County making nothing of a free kick that saw Powell drag his shot wide, whilst United could not profit from a corner after Sarcevic had done well to stop Chilvers reaching Akinde with  a neat cross on 15 minutes.

Meanwhile Anderson was still causing County problems – Hinchliffe thwarting him with quick reactions after County`s left flank had switched off alarmingly!

We were 20 minutes in now, and I was beginning to be greatly irritated both by Akinde`s antics his dramatic fall to earth ( just one of many tonight!)and Referee Ben Atkinson who not only gave United a free kick , but also  booked Horsfall   an act that fell into even greater focus less than a minute later when Knoyle was clattered by Mingi to no reaction from the referee at all!

An attack by County lifted the angst but Tanto`s run was halted by a fine last ditcher from Mingi.

That was encouraging, the next action was perplexing as again our left flank folded allowing Akinde a clear sight of goal. It was a real chance and Akinde  should have done better instead his shot was easily disposed of by Hinchliffe – a vital save and maybe a pivotal moment in tonight`s game, as within 2 minutes County had their lead!

It started with a poor throw by Byrne that threatened to put Hinchliffe under pressure before the situation was rescued by Horsfall who ensured traffic then headed up the park where almost immediately County won  a corner.

Over it came and Powell was first to it nicking a welcome goal for County, the ball going in off Goodman the home keeper !

We were 1-0 up and definitely relieved!

Colchester looked to respond when play resumed – Anderson to the fore again stretching us to the limit before pinging a cross over that thankfully all barring Knoyle on the opposite flank missed – the danger was over.

So was Anderson`s involvement also, as he was clearly injured in the action being then replaced by the rather useful Jason Fevrier.

There was certainly no change in United`s tactics , they continued to push on- Pye and Hinchliffe combining for County to block a likely looking raid by Mc Geehan and Hopper with 3 minutes of normal time left.

Colchester looked to be working hard at getting an equaliser  their cause helped by a free kick on the edge of the County box.

It looked like the home side had missed their chance -settling for a corner following the kick. We just needed to defend the corner , but we didn`t, instead we allowed McGeehan to sneak in , Jim Gannon like, to score at the back post!

That was a bad moment and more followed as the game went into added time – poor decision-making abounding at the back- Byrne again putting Hinchliffe at risk with a poorly crafted back pass with the dangerous Akinde lurking in the vicinity.

We survived the moment…...just…...and made it to half time with the score still 1-1 !




For Half Time Entertainment tonight-Wilko Johnson- Marijuana…..


….. and something else…..





The re-start saw Colchester at us like wasps at the jam jar – but Hinchliffe did well to smother Fevrier`s cross cum shot on the end of a raking run to the by-line.

This called for a reply by County, and they duly obliged as Bristow made headway down the left before pinging  a decent cross over that keeper Goodman could only push out to the waiting Sarcevic, who sadly lifted his shot over the bar.

If I winced at that miss, I winced again within a minute as County survived somehow as a wayward pass from Pye set United up!

Then Powell went centre stage making it to the edge of the box where he was then upended by Mingi who at last was shown a card.

The free kick offered thoughts of a chance , that were then shattered by the liners upraised flag- offside!

The next action saw Bristow again taking the game to Colchester winning a corner off goal scorer Mc Geehan. 

Sarcevic`s kick was not great but a foul on Powell put the pressure squarely back on the home side and they cracked -County nicking that vital second goal as a glorious diving header by Horsfall saw the ball fizz beyond the beaten keeper into the net.

Fantastic….it was a top quality goal  and we were 2-1 up…..or were we… fact the liner had his flag up – tell me it was offside, and I still will not believe you…..I did not think it remotely was , but the only thing that mattered was  that the referee confirmed the goal did not count….it was still 1-1 !

For 10 minutes after that action, no doubt feeding on the unexpected fillip of the `offside` decision , Colchester put the blues under much pressure.

It was not greatly coordinated or particularly devastating in content, but it was still pressure , and they might just get lucky particularly if County failed to break free of the pressure to create some of their own.

Loose passes and cheap free kicks did not help County`s cause as they were seemingly penned in their last third.

But…we did not concede a goal…it stayed 1-1 and just beyond the hour we broke clear, and it was Bristow with the ball heading for the by-line down the left.

Bristow`s final balls had been excellent tonight and he produced another that bypassed the home defenders struggling in his wake heading across the box where Evans stabbed the ball back to where Madden lurked at the back post. It was 2-1 ….County had that oh so valuable lead…as Madden did what Madden does!

Not long after this DC rang the changes –  Camps on with Wootton and  Louie Barry for Sarcevic, Madden and Evans .

Then like in some surreal nightmare the Referee awarded Colchester a penalty  as Mc Geehan made a five courser with side salads of falling down in the box, proving conclusively in the process that the vaudevillian tradition is alive and well in North Essex!

Mr Atkinson pointed to the spot, United had a penalty and a chance for parity in the match!

Mc Geehan took the kick , but it was Hinchliffe moment as the County keeper threw himself to his left to push the ball to safety in brilliant style- a match winning save by a top/top keeper!

Much pressure followed on County from Colchester – too much for comfort and the accompanying theatricals although they impressed Mr Atkinson thoroughly p####d me off!

With Hippolyte on for Bristow , with 15 minutes left, and Powell, and Barry showing embryonic signs of something good brewing there was hope we could not only hold on with what we got but nick another goal.

But there was always just a chance that United might get lucky-  substitute Samson Tovide confounding that thought though by fluffing what looked a real chance into the games last 10 minutes.

Then with Bailey on for Tanto close to added time, Barry showed us he was not here to just make up the numbers- relieving the pressure from Colchester with a run from deep that had the County following cheering loudly. He was eventually crowded out , his shot blocked , but it was good to see! 

Into added time we went with County attacking and with Barry continuing to warm the hearts of almost 800 County supporters in the away end with his bravery.

Into the last minute of added time we went, with Barry breaking at speed again only for Akinde to bring him down just outside the box.

Powell`s free kick from this was poor and set up a break by United – nicely put to bed by the far liner`s upraised flag- of course it was offside ,before you ask….every time !

It was also 2-1 and not long after the match was over, and team and supporters could exchange accolades!

Notwithstanding any criticisms within this piece -it must be said that this was another important result for County -hewn , albeit a touch untidily, in difficult conditions from a team desperate for a win themselves.

 Dave Challinor has more than shown time and again the quality of his management and I am sure we can expect County to be giving 100% again against Morecambe.

County`s support did just that tonight and will assuredly do the same again on Saturday.

See you at Edgeley Park!



Colchester United line up :-

Goodman , Iandolo , Kelleher , Hall , Chilvers , Mc Geehan ( Smith 75), Hopper ( Tovide 68) , Read , Anderson ( Fevrier 40) , Mingi . Akinde .

Subs not used : Hornby , Dallison , Richardson , Ihionvien .


Stockport County line up :-

Hinchliffe  , Knoyle , Byrne , Horsfall , Pye , Bristow ( Hippolyte 75) , Evans ( Camps 64) , Sarcevic ( Barry 64) , Madden ( Wootton 64 ), Powell , Olaofe ( Bailey 86).

Subs not used : Smith , Richards.

Attendance: 4118 ( 736)



A few shots from old hedgies`s phone…..



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