Stockport County 1 Newport County 0 ( Football League 2) Saturday 9 March 2024





County emerged with what could be a vital win from today`s clash with Newport County at Edgeley Park thanks to a 94th minute goal- a veritable cracker from Paddy Madden.

Paddy had fluffed the chance to put County in front 20 minutes earlier by missing a penalty after Tanto had been hacked down in the box by substitute Harry Charsley, although perhaps Newport keeper Nick Townsend might suggest that was down to his save – one of several from him.

That miss seemed to sum up County`s day- having 90% + of possession throughout but having little or no idea of just what to do with it.

Newport meanwhile parked the Welsh equivalent of the 192 in front of Townsends goal, seldom venturing forth- taking until 5 minutes before half time to give Ben a save of any sort to make!

They wasted a fair bit of time from early on, were a touch crude at times  and weren`t at the races when it came to attacking -if County were struggling for attacking ideas Newport just didn`t bother with matters beyond their last third too much.

It made for a tedious watch, and the constant diet of sideways…sideways…back County settled into looked like getting them absolutely nowhere until in added time the approach  morphed  into one of dependence on long punts up the park by Hinchliffe- not a pretty tactic to be sure, but in the end, it got us to where the slow-motion stuff couldn`t with any level of penetration and young Paddy did the rest!



There was another big crowd inside the stadium at kick off, but I was disappointed to see Tanto on the bench rather than starting when we are struggling for goals.

More disappointment followed swiftly on from this as Newport ensured we would be attacking the Cheadle End first thing.

This meant, with the Newport bus suitably parked up, that any action would be right under our noses, but what action there was did not impress- absolutely nothing of consequence happening at either end -play scrappy and disjointed-possession at a premium for both sides.

So 10 minutes passed ….still nothing stirred……14 minutes and we got momentarily excited as Powell ran clear through the middle  , but his final ball narrowly eluded Wootton in front of goal.

It was a start and Cass, who I made one of County`s top performers today, looked to keep it going with a surging run and pass to Madden whose shot was dealt with confidently by Townsend in the Newport goal.

Scott Bennett did well next for Newport, stopping Evans as he raced onto a pass from Madden. The corner saw Townsend in action again punching clear under pressure!

We reached 20 minutes with County still seeking a way through the massed ranks of white shirts positioned before them-Townsend again having his say keeping Sarcevic`s pass from the waiting Wootton.

Sarcevic was doing OK at this point, unlucky to see Lewis Payne on his case next ushering his cross clear as the blues strove to up the revs.

It went on as Bristow probed down the left getting hacked down for his pains ushering in a free kick but nothing more as, after Morris and Bennett had taken turns to head consecutive deliveries from Sarcevic out, Cass then volleyed over the bar.

It sounds exciting perhaps…. it really wasn`t although this was no fault of Sarcevic just now, as following a Powell/Hippolyte/ Madden move failing to light Wootton`s fuse, Townsend pulled off his best save yet to deny Sarcevic as he tried to convert a neat Powell pass into the gold of a goal!

We were now half an hour in, and still Ben had not had a save to make- but why weren`t we making better use of all our possession?

Back though to the Sarcevic/ Townsend exchange and this was followed by umpteen rushed attempted strikes by the blues and hurried clearances from their opponents- Offrande Zanzala hacking the ball clear under pressure and seemingly ending his team`s angst.

I said `seemingly` and that was correct as Sarcevic and Bristow put the pressure back on the visitors by forcing a corner, and a real chance emerged from this -dashed disappointingly as Horsfall`s header flew wide.

On to the 40th minute when Bryn Morris gave Ben his first save of the match- not a great shot to be sure or that brilliant a save, but maybe a sign that something more positive might emerge from our visitors from the Principality in the second half.

The first half was not finished though- Madden heading Hippolyte’s pass wide at one point……. Townsend keeping Pye`s tasty pass from Wootton at the sharp end at another.

But generally speaking, the play was poor from County-their unwillingness to make a forward pass constantly irritating turning attacking situations into the opposite- it was just so so fortunate that Newport  seemed so unwilling or unable to punish us.

Lots to play for after the break then with the half time score 0-0.


A gear change for Half Time Entertainment this time comes via Kate Rusby….



It wasn`t long after the re-start that the temperature rose a degree or so as Bristow was again taken out by a crude assault from Jameson. The defender got booked, County gained a free kick, but any benefit from that vanished when Hippolyte`s kick flew straight into Townsend`s waiting arms.

Powell, who was again deployed quite deep, initiated something next sending Sarcevic clear only to watch as the subsequent pass onward to Wootton was cut out by the ever-alert Townsend.

County`s frustration mounted as Madden then went close – Townsend keeping his strike out with his legs on 52 minutes.

It went on and perhaps responding to the restlessness of the crowd Horsfall ventured forward into Newport territory. It was good to see someone in blue willing to hold the ball …run with it…and see what emerged…..but this time  nothing of value came our way , indeed County were eventually indebted to Pye`s good work in cutting Seb Palmer- Houlden off as he sought to turn defence into attack for the Welsh side.


County made nothing of a free kick after Cass had been fouled-.They did better next but still no cigar as Powell and Hippolyte won a corner that was the prelude to a mega scramble in the Newport box where eventually weight of white shirted numbers did for the blues efforts.

Bailey and Camps replaced Hippolyte and Powell around the hour mark- still no sign of our top scorer which disappointed me.

It was about this time that Palmer-Houlden gave Ben his second shot to stop- would more follow from Graham Coughlan`s team who at other times have shown up well this season?

Instead, it fell to County to offer something at the sharp end, and it came via Camps. His shot was a belter…..hit hard…on target….it must have made Townsend`s hands sting but he kept the ball out none the less delighting 315 Welshmen in the Away Block of the Pop Side.

The corner from that last action prompted more – Evans seeing an effort go out off Zanzala- a series of corners ending with a catch under pressure by Townsend at his back post.

The Newport corpse then made to twitch via a break by Wildig but this only gave Horsfall the chance to show us what he could do as he kept the subsequent ball from Zanzala its intended recipient.

But normality quickly returned with County in possession looking for an opening and dismayed to see a shot by Madden smack into Evans enroute to goal- it stayed out.

Again, if this sounds greatly exciting it was not that great ,indeed the attention of the Cheadle End dwellers looked to be focused on `Gravygate` as many were distracted from play by the sight of a large pool of gravy being `attended to` near the Danny Stand refreshment area- great stuff ` just needs some potatoes adding` one wag offered , but we needed to concentrate on other stuff and things suddenly got a tad exciting on the park where substitute Charsley upended Tanto in the box.

Mr Reeves wasted no time pointing to the spot…. we had a penalty…..a chance to get our noses in front.

Thus, Paddy stepped up to take it ,coolly stroking the ball to the keeper`s left…too coolly perhaps as Townsend`s dive saw him make the save and keep it at 0-0!

That was disappointing and it was almost 5 minutes before County could seek to make amends for the miss only for Wootton to fluff the chance set up for him by Sarcevic. Sarcevic`s mood would have not improved as within a minute he saw a shot kept out by Townsend.

On it went…into the final 10 minutes and Newport surprised us as Palmer- Houlden forced a corner down the County right, but it did not last- Will Evans drilling the ball wide when seemingly well set from this.

With just 4 minutes left and time running out fast, Bailey dug deep and produced a zinger of a shot that was going in until Townsend topped his afternoon`s work with a brilliant save to deny him.

We headed towards added time with a change of tactics as Hinchliffe started to launch the ball long – and quite early on it almost declared a wee divi when a defender`s back header almost gave County the much sought after lead.

Into added time we went then, 6 minutes of it, with Richards now on for Wootton.

Still County enjoyed dominating possession but still without ever looking likely to nick the goal they desired.

Then, 4 minutes into the period … Tanto again worked something for us winning a free kick. Pressure mounted from this and then… salvation as the ball drifted out to Madden who lashed an unstoppably powerful shot way beyond anything Townsend could offer in response, into the net.

County had their 1-0 lead and the tension, touchable moments before was no more- almost 9000 on the premises were on their feet and cheering loudly- our season was still alive!

The minutes that remained were rather stained by an unseemly foul by Aaron Wildig on Pye (`terrible` I scribbled and I wasn`t far off ), but it mattered not, Newport who largely , and surprisingly, had shown us little other than a certain obduracy all game until now, failed in what remained to summon the something extra  they had disdained to do previously!

For County, the game was won, the promotion push- intact, and almost 9000 went home with welcome smiles on their faces which was simply excellent.

Here`s to more good fortune at Salford and Crawley and a pox on the TV companies and EFL suits who have done their best to make  travelling to those games impossibly difficult.

But I hope to see you at both, and County back to firing close to on full cylinders!


Stockport County line up:-

Hinchliffe , Cass, Horsfall , Pye , Bristow , Hippolyte ( Bailey 59) Evans( Olaofe 69) , Sarcevic , Powell ( Camps 59) , Wootton ( Richards 89) , Madden .

Subs not used : Smith , Touray , Byrne .


Newport County line up:-

Townsend , Bennett , Jameson ( Drysdale 80) , Baker , Payne , Lewis ( Bondswell 88 ), Wildig , Morris , Zanzala ( Charsley 64), Palmer- Houlden( Jepphcott 88 ) , Evans .   

Subs not used: Maxted , Waite , Rai.


Attendance: 8865( 315)



Some images from hedgegrower...






Some from Andrew Machin....... 






                          And finally a couple from Michael Shoard :




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