Stockport County 3 Grimsby Town 2 ( Football League 2 ) Saturday 21 October 2023




County consolidated their position atop League Two with a 3-2 win against erstwhile bogey team Grimsby Town at Edgeley today but made hard work about doing it.

The game seemed sorted as early as the eighth minute as County had cruised into a 2-0 lead with some irresistible football set off nicely by a goal each by Tanto and Louis Barry.

It looked well set for a handsome County win and even more so when with 5 minutes left of the half Tanto was upended in the box heralding County`s second penalty of the half.

The first had been taken by Barry and scored with some style and authority but for some unaccountable reason Tanto took the second and missed it.

We thought it might, and it did-the game turned on that fateful happening as deep into first half added time Paul Hurst`s side nicked a goal back making it 2-1.

If Dave Challinor had the requisite word in the team`s collective ear at half time it was not immediately apparent as within 10 minutes of the re-start Town were level and for a while after looked not unlikely to nick another.

They didn`t, County emerging from a very uncertain time to snatch the winner with 15 minutes of normal time left through Barry.

Grimsby would be disappointed with the result no doubt, but the winner came from Louis Barry and for me was payback for a foul and a brief spell of time wasting by the visitors as the free kick for a foul on Wootton was delayed irritatingly.

The second half had been hard on the nerves and 9 minutes plus some of time added did not improve matters, but County hung on, did the biz and stayed top- job done!



County were attacking the Cheadle End irritatingly in the first half, but the ploy on the Marriners` part didn`t seem to start at all well.

Firstly it took the upraised flag of the Danny Stand liner to stop Tanto just 4 minutes in as Pye pinged the ball his way sending him clear.

Two minutes later and matters changed – Pye was still provider his run sending Barry to the by-line where he settled for a corner. This went to the near post where the recipient Will Collar was flattened unceremoniously by Niall Maher.

Referee Simpson wasted no time in pointing to the spot and, following a small unseasonal panto involving Grimsby`s Danny Rose, Louis Barry stepped up to send a superbly taken kick to the left of the keeper into the net as he dived right!

We were 1-0 up and well pleased, but within a couple more minutes the joy factors were ratcheted upwards several notches as County got a second goal.

It started with a good blocking tackle by Akil Wright to break up an embryonic Grimsby raid then suddenly Tanto was heading for the Cheadle End chasing a through ball with Rodgers for company. It was no contest as Tanto bullied the Town man big time before beating keeper Jake Eastwood with a fine finish.

Eastwood was in difficulties again shortly after- Rodgers placing him in jeopardy with a rash back pass, but County were denied.

The blues could not make a free kick count either, heralding in a response from their opponents that saw Southam – Hales earn applause for his work in snuffing out what looked a lively move by the visitors.

But it was still mostly County on the offensive- Sarcevic seeing a shot blocked from Barry`s pass.

It went on as first Sarcevic and Southam- Hales and then Pye and Barry took turns probing down the flanks- Grimsby held out but it looked promising from County.

That said Grimsby started to work their way back into contention – Hinchliffe doing well for County to deny Donovan Wilson midway through the half.

County then gave a free kick away building pressure on themselves where previously there was none , but we defended the kick well enabling Barry to wriggle clear before reaching Tanto with a neat pass. He was away but his eventual shot was blocked by Niall Maher and any perceived chance was gone.

Encouragingly, County kept pressing for that third goal , Bailey combining with Barry to send him on a run that saw his pass tee Sarcevic up for a shot that was blocked by Eastwood- Collar`s follow up effort being charged down- the move ending with Southam -Hales flagged offside by our friend on the Danny Stand touchline.

This ushered responses from Grimsby who so far were losing the half by a distance, but Wilson missed a sitter with County`s goal gaping as the ball flew over from the right.

That was slightly scary – County surviving another sortie to the by-line from Wilson beyond the half hour to increase our nervousness.

But really the game was safe wasn`t it?

We were 2-0 up and doing most of the attacking and with just 5 minutes left of normal time in the half this comfortable view seemed about to be confirmed as the Referee arranged with Hinchliffe for him to take possession from a one man bounce up and he promptly wellied the ball long to where Tanto lurked.

His pace took Tanto clear of the available markers and only Eastwood remained twixt him and further glory.

But thoughts of a third goal were dashed, firstly as Tanto was brought down by the keeper giving County a second penalty, and then by the poorest of penalties.

Instead of Barry taking the kick ( he had scored a belter earlier) he gave the ball to Tanto and he pushed the ball harmlessly wide.

That was a bad moment and a poor example of decision making on County`s part and, I thought, maybe a game changer!

Well, not immediately as Tanto was only kept out by a brilliant tackle by Niall Maher within 3 minutes of the missed penalty.

So, 2-0 at the break would be ok, but oops…what was this…the ball was arrowing in from the right , Amos picking Wilson out and it was 2-1 in a heart-beat as he fired the ball beyond Hinchliffe into the net.

That was disappointing to say the least and just what did the second half have in store for us?

Maybe some well-chosen words from DC would sort, we would see!


Today`s offering is a Fave Band from 80`s-Talk Talk…….




Into that second half we went then but it didn`t start all that well for the blues who, pushed back by a `nuisance `of black and white shirts were relieved to see Danny Rose fluff a header under pressure from Hinchliffe at the back post.

Southam -Hales did nudge the cross bar with a lofted cross cum shot  3 minutes in but already the half was taking a direction that was not at all a happy one for County who were penalised ( unjustly I felt) by Mr Simpson as Wilson went to ground just outside the box.

The free kick was no panicky affair from Town no…. Danny Rose did the planning ( meticulous it looked)but despite this, twice we saw kicks come back out off the well-constructed County wall.

But Grimsby now had the bit twixt their teeth for sure – Wright doing particularly well to thwart the latest raid with a vital block.

County looked in a certain amount of disarray in response, and Holohan took full advantage for Grimsby lofting a dangerous ball over the blue cover to where Clifton was in behind the last remnants of County`s defence.

We still had Hinchliffe between Clifton and goal and he cut to the chase quickly taking the Town man out. The ref waved a yellow card in Ben`s direction but not before pointing to the spot for the game’s third penalty which   Holohan put away without hassle.

It was 2-2, and we maybe feared the worst now- could it get even worse?

It might for sure and quickly as Wilson was sent clear by a great through ball from someone in black/white- County were struggling again until a terrific blocking tackle by Wright sorted matters for the blues.

We were approaching the hour mark now and trying to wonder where all the measured moves of the first half had gone?

Hippolyte was now on for Bailey and County continued to be under pressure, a situation resolved by Southam- Hales who broke clear to send Tanto on a run, but he was fouled just outside the box- Sarcevic`s kick from this looking good but ending disappointingly with a Town free kick.

County continued to try to get back to something like their first half form, but it was hard work- twice Tanto looked to be on a decent break only to be thwarted by the liner`s flag.

And a foul by Pye brought the pressure back on us – Wilson almost catching County unawares after Croasdale had headed the free kick out.

We were about 15 minutes from the end of normal time now, County had a free kick to take  but Grimsby ( who otherwise did not indulge too much in time wasting) lapsed in that respect -with a couple of debatable injuries taking time up and then two  substitutions that saw departing substituted players leaving at borderline funerial pace particularly the aggravating Holohan.

Was it payback? I like to think so, and Grimsby were handsomely punished for their trouble as Southam- Hales` flawless delivery to the back post was headed back across goal by Collar to where Barry went for the ball with Clifton of Town. Barry won making no mistake from close in – we had our lead back albeit only 3-2.

Barry gave way for Wootton shortly after as County came under pressure via a free kick that rather baffled me – no matter, Rose headed wide from this to keep it at 3-2 but I did not need that kind of excitement!

County kept looking for a fourth goal that would make the win certain, but Eastwood did well for Town beating Tanto by a fag papers width to a Collar through ball on 80 minutes.

Wright and Wootton kept the forward momentum going the former setting the latter up for a shot on goal that Eastwood smothered decisively.

On it went in much the same vein- County doing most of the attacking whilst Grimsby continued to make us feel uneasy a time or two with moves that required prompt action from the blues to sort.

The best of the County attacking, through 9 minutes added time, came via an excellent block from Collar that enabled Hippolyte to make a run before pinging a dangerous cross over. It was a familiar scene – the ball heading across from the left at speed….Eastwood on his line….Tanto approaching ( also at speed) . It certainly had potential and more but Tanto`s brave headlong dive saw him miss heading the ball home by the smallest margin.

Not long after Mr Simpson blew for time.

We had the points; we were still top of the pile.

Our performance was not without blemish, and we only have a couple of days or so before Crewe to sort.

But I saw enough quality play from County to suggest we can beat anyone in this division if we are on our game.

They will for sure need your support on Tuesday at Gresty Road.

See you there then!

Stockport County line up:-

Hinchliffe , Southam- Hales , Wright , Horsfall , Pye , Croasdale , Collar , Sarcevic , Bailey ( Hippolyte 58) , Olaofe , Barry ( Wootton 78).

Subs not used : Smith , Knoyle , Madden , Pond , Richardson .


Grimsby Town line up :-

Eastwood , Efete , Rodgers , Holohan  ( Khan 72), Clifton ( Eisa 93) , Amos , Wilson , Mullarkey ( Pyke 72) , Maher , Rose , Conteh.

Subs not used : Cartwright , Gnahoua , Andrews , Hunt.

Attendance :9498 ( 902)



First off a few images from hedgegrower`s phone camera.....





Then some from Michael Shoard





And a clutch from Andrew Machin......








 ‘Bahamas’ was the ‘pet’ loco at Edgeley sheds in the 1960s


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