AFC Wimbledon 1 Stockport County 2 ( Football League 2 ) Saturday 9 September 2023



County came away from Plough Lane with a famous victory this afternoon coming back from being 1-0 down to claim all the points against Johnny Jackson`s in form AFC Wimbledon side, smashing asunder in the process the Don`s unbeaten record and confounding pundits and experts galore who for certain had this one down as a home banker!

For almost 700 County supporters the trip down South was worth all the sacrifice and effort seeing their side battling to the last second to deny a side that, despite the relative closeness of the scoreline, looked well beaten at the final whistle.

The goals came from Barry and Collar but a loud call out should go to Tanto who deserved a goal today- he set Barry`s equaliser up with sublime skill, only ill luck and nerves perhaps denying him the honour.

We can and should perhaps talk about the first half as well of course- 45 minutes + in which County looked at times that they might do something but never did – they never put the home defence that hinted at being not especially solid under pressure, under that pressure.

Instead, frustration mounted for County supporters as familiar loose play gave Dons an improbable and not deserved half time lead.

Cue second half and salvation…well 3 points anyway and for County`s travelling support it felt a bit like Xmas, New Year and a Landmark Birthday all rolled into one congenial bundle!



It was ridiculously hot come kick off at 3 o`clock as County opened proceedings attacking the away end.

I mused that we had a back 3 of Pond, Horsfall and Pye but later this appeared to have morphed into a 4 with Southam-Hales pressed more and more into defending and he did not do at all badly in that regard alongside Akil Wright who came on earlyish for the injured Alfie Pond.

But the early moments had me trying to forget a poor pass from Horsfall that put us under pressure but was not punished and then another by Pond that saw Sarcevic work wonders clearing up the mess at the back that followed.

A quick attempted reply by the blues saw ex Hatter Ryan Johnson break the raid up with quiet efficiency with 5 minutes gone.

The sixth brought Wimbledon a corner but nothing more as Tanto ran the danger clear to applause.

Better followed this as Collar`s run to the by-line won us a corner then another after Pearce headed this out and Dons could only put the ball behind in extremis. Pearce was there again, heading the second kick out but when the ball went to Barry his shot cleared the bar.

It went on with keeper Alex Bass just beating Tanto to a through ball 5 minutes later- this was encouraging but, even so ,our hosts survived some lively probing moves with Powell and Barry at their heart as well keeping it 0-0.

And on…….Ryan Johnson again doing excellent work to concede a  corner when worse threatened with Tanto on the end of another through ball.

We were at last giving the lad something decent to get on the end of, and we were gradually getting on top now albeit we were also giving free kicks away and with them the initiative and possession!

Our luck was out though- Pond heading wide after a one/ two twixt Barry and Collar had threatened to fillet the left side of the Dons back line, and they were glad to concede another corner with Tanto onto a lethal ball delivered from the right by Sarcevic ( I think).

Then we re-visited all our worst nightmare moments of recent seasons- the one`s that hit us from our set pieces be they free kicks or corners.

This was a corner of course and it was cleared in the blink of an eye by Wimbledon and in another blink, we were in disarray charging back with Tilley and Pell deep in County territory in no time at all. They won a corner with little trouble and scored with even less as Tilley found Davison unencumbered by cover at the near post with his kick and he made no mistake from close in- County were 1-0 down!

County seemed numbed by the moment and nearly had another to add to it as Pye was left on his tod with Tilley and Ogundere bearing down on goal down the right- thankfully Ogundere lifted his cross out beyond the back post…..but……

The Dons were enlivened by it all but not enough for Hinchliffe to not be on the spot to deal with a strike by Davison facilitated by County`s defence melting away around him , and he was there again within 5 minutes of the break snaffling Tilley`s cross with reassuring calm following the concession of another needless free kick.

Tilley should have done better than he did just 2 minutes later – totally losing the plot after weaving his way this way and that beyond County`s attempts to tackle him in the box- he may have been looking for a penalty when he had his `fall to earth` moment but Mr Young the Referee spoilt his wee ruse giving the blues the welcome oxygen of a free kick.

More questionable work at the back followed causing Hinchliffe a headache for a moment or two, but the half ended with Barry having a late go – inches off with a long range header, then robbed by keeper Bass who was quick to pounce and snatch the ball off his toes as Barry surged into the box onto a quality pass from Powell.  



Some real quality from JST for Half Time Entertainment…..



The second half opened with County defending grimly – Hinchliffe saving with his legs at one point from Tilley who was clearly looking to add to the 7 goals he had wracked up previously this season- but County`s defensive work held, they survived and it stayed 1-0.

Don’t you just love it when , at last, an other team cops for a visit to Calamity City remarkably similar to some of our visits?

Well, one was brewing fast at Plough Lane now as Southam- Hales little appreciated defensive qualities came to the fore big time as he stopped the rot for County with Neufville threatening at speed down the County right with a solid tackle, but Neufville was not done, and Collar was happy to concede a corner in the circumstances.

The home specs probably fancied a 2-0 lead but despite their best efforts to achieve this- zilch….in fact County`s half clearance found Tanto on halfway and he was off like the proverbial ferret up a drain pipe bearing down on goal at a rate of knots. A goal looked a certainty as Tanto bore down on the home goal, but just as everyone expected a shot from him, he sent a ball of fantastic delicacy to Barry on his left and a belting effort from him went in off the far post to give County their much-cherished equaliser.

Wright came on for Pond after this as for a time Wimbledon attempted to push County onto the back foot- Tilley thwarted by Southam -Hales ( 55 minutes) Neufville eluding Southam- Hales but shooting wide a minute later.

But, that said, County were looking much more positive now- Bass doing well to deny Collar from a Powell pass just after the hour.

Then, another minute and a belter of a move involving Pye and Barry ended with the latter pinging his cross to the back post where Collar fired home making it 2-1!

County by now were on a roll none more so than Tanto who was unlucky to be stopped by Pearce on the end of a really tasty move.

But a free kick for a foul on Pye ended with the potentially nightmarish situation of the Dons hitting us on the break- enter Croasdale with excellent work to cut the danger off!

That was but an aberration however and the County attacks continued – Barry`s volley blocked following a neat pass by Powell- and we almost nicked a third goal with less than 15 minutes left as Tanto shredded the home back line with another surging run. Again, he might have, probably should have shot himself but instead he unselfishly laid the ball back to Sarcevic who unfortunately side footed the ball over the bar.

We were into the last 10 minutes of normal time when Tanto was substituted, Richardson coming on in his place- were we going to sit on our lead?

Well, Dons were attacking but Hinchliffe was astride his patch and beat Davison to a high ball aimed in his direction from Central London.

But, Powell was still having a go and his header on almost put Richardson in with 6 minutes left.

It was getting unnecessarily tasty at this point with the points rapidly disappearing from the home teams party plans along with the unbeaten record, which was a pity as the game had been largely free of the negativity in evidence in last season`s match here.

I was thus disappointed with the Referee who totally bottled it when Davison chose to attempt to get Croasdale a second yellow card.

The Referee saw the simulation for what it was but thought a word was enough- he was perhaps in error on that one.

I was disappointed again when Williams gained a cheap free kick in a decent position smack on 90 minutes- Dons wasted it but………..

Then DC took Barry off ( he left to a prolonged ovation from the away end) bringing Mee on in his place but more or less reducing our attacking players to zero.

Nine added minutes must have lifted Wimbledon as a shot of adrenalin might , and they went after that equaliser- Tilley going long but failing to beat Hinchliffe on 94 minutes.

Then excellent work from Wright, Collar and Richardson blocked Sasu`s progress- a fantastic call by Hinchliffe  topping the good work off brilliantly, 2 minutes later.

Another 60 seconds and Mr Young gave Dons a free kick- a borderline work of pure fantasy on the Referee`s part, but I need not have worried Ben had the free kick a bed in no time!

That was 97 minutes, the 98 th saw County on the attack through Wright, Collar and Richardson – it looked good and then it didn`t as Sarcevic`s volley cleared the bar.

It was hard for Dons to see their unbeaten record slipping rapidly away but their weapon of choice to sort matters was now the long high ball into the box . They were coming over wholesale but were proving meat and drink to Hinchliffe , but the 99th minute saw the home specs get a tad over excited as another pinged in for Tilley to latch onto. He did that bit and the home specs held their breath as he swung a boot at the ball and fired it goal ward -2-2 ?....nah no way the ball ruffled the side netting and County had their win !

Well deserved in the end – lots of good performances , and it is pleasing to see Powell begin to surface as a power along with the perhaps more obvious players I have mentioned above.

Stuff to sort of course before Milton Keynes next Saturday, but a lot to savour too so let`s do just that!


AFC Wimbledon  line up :-

Bass , Brown ( Currie 67), R Johnson , Tilley , Pell , Davison , Neufville ( Sasu 79) , Pearce , Ball , Lakin ( Williams 67) , Ogendere.

 Subs not used : Tzanev , Mc Lean Buchel , Sutcliffe .

Stockport County line up :-

Hinchliffe , Southam -Hales , Pond ( Wright 50) , Horsfall , Pye , Croasdale , Collar , Powell , Sarcevic , Olaofe ( Richardson 79) , Barry ( Bailey 91).

Subs not used : Smith , Jones ,   Mee , C Johnson .


Attendance ; 7607 ( 675)












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