Swanbourne Gardens Project Nears Completion !






Swanbourne Gardens Project Nears Completion!

Today was a chance for the committed team of Help the Hatters regulars to add finishing touches to what is resoundingly a job well done!

So, grass was cleared of wind blown debris of all types, and the various plants we provided needed fussing over …….




the area previously doing a passable imitation of a jungle had a last manicure  plus a squirt or two of weed killer, window frames and other fixtures and fittings were washed down ...........





...........and there was a final check on the items such as hanging baskets and a multitude of small items intended to make the facility more pleasantly user friendly for youngsters and their families who use the facility in trying times.






I was struck by the contrast twixt the exterior of the place now after Help the Hatters attentions….. 



There`s still some things to sort but the project has pretty much been actioned as planned and we hope that staff and the temporary residents who use this fantastic facility are pleased with the outcome of the groups labours!

We certainly know the staff appreciated the towels and other useful items we handed over just after midday.




None of the above records the efforts of Ralph who spent an inordinate amount of time on the roof sorting real issues including drains and the roof itself that was becoming threatened by the encroaching jungle , now happily sorted. 


Well done to the small but perfectly motivated team that have turned up week after week to do such a splendid job alongside the numerous other voluntary contributions they make to the local community!

Job  done ?

Well. pretty much, but Help the Hatters, being `propper jobbers`will be back in a few months to check on how things are going at Gardens and looking to fix anything that needs fixing!


Warmest congratulations from hedgegrower to the Swanbourne Gardens team !




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