Stockport County 1 Woking 0 ( Vanarama National League ) Saturday 19 February 2022)








(words by hedgegrower, images by hedgegrower & Andrew Machin )






There was a fearsome beast abroad in SK3 today.

Neither the police or anti-terror squads were called on to respond and the army was not deployed, as there was no danger to the esteemed inhabitants of the Borough, merely to the unfortunate players of Woking.

Yes…the beast wore a blue shirt and a number 5, and the men from North West Surrey were powerless in response as his header won the game for County stretching their lead to six points over Chesterfield who lost to Solihull Moors.

This win had `championship` written right through it particularly in view of how the Spireites faired, but you would have been pushed to say as much at half time, as Woking had much the better of the first half playing some decent football whilst denying the blues the time on the ball that they craved.

That said, despite much pressure from the visitors they could not nick a goal- so the score was 0-0 when the teams went in at the break, and we have been there before this season have we not – things would likely change upon the re-start wouldn`t they!

Well, County definitely switched things up a gear, but it all threatened to go awry before the hour as an entanglement twixt Collar and Annesley and eventually Hogan deteriorated to farcical levels via an

inglorious pantomime abysmally choreographed by Referee Dicicco , that resulted in a red card ( for verbals I think) for Hogan and yellows for the other 2 participants.


 In glorious pantomime !




County were down to 10 now and up against it, but DC was up to the moment, and he brought Crankshaw and Newby on for Quigley and Hippolyte and the duo transformed the game running Woking ragged,

setting the game up nicely for Palmer`s grand entrance via another terrific Rydel corner. Ross who had played well in goal for Woking, had a snowflakes chance in hell of keeping it out and that was that!


 Rydel- lively performer, set piece master ( Andrew Machin )




Well…not exactly…..Woking still fancied something from the game….still pushed on…still aided by a welter of free kicks, but they were dished via amazingly resourceful defending from everyone in blue on the pitch at the time, and  a will to win that looks well-nigh invincible - excellent stuff!



There were no changes in the County line up as the game got underway with Hogan and Southam- Hales leading an early raid or two from the blues.

 Hogan & Southam- Hales flying early !





Madden then headed over from another Southam- Hales cross, but it was not long before Alan Dowson`s team told us that they had not come to just make up the numbers- County had a game on their hands!


 County go close....





A free kick, taken by Josh Casey set it up , morphing into a corner – but despite Inih Effiong looking as dourly dangerous as usual Quigley was able to run the ball clear, after Palmer`s magic hat had seen the ball away from the immediate danger zone. 


 Palmer heads out.....





Quiggers was fouled enroute to Woking territory, but Southam -Hales` free kick was defended well by the visitors back line.


 Foul on Quigley coming up !






Back came County though , Johnson picking Quigley out neatly only for  no one in blue to be on hand when Scott`s cross pinged over!


Johnno on the ball !





This gave Woking breathing space and they took advantage of it playing the ball about coolly and with some purpose, and Effiong, with good backing in the build up from Allarakhia and Kabamba, twice went close to nicking one- Hinchliffe doing well to push one effort over the bar.

Soon enough we were at the halfway point in the half, and I was alarmed how much time Woking had spent in blue territory!

And they were still there as Johnson headed a cross clear.


 Johnson & Hippolyte( Andrew Machin )





It was clear we needed precision from County with Woking looking sharp, but  instead we saw them concede free kicks , not all kosher fouls I grant you …but some were, and Hogan`s next work emphasised this element as he followed a loose pass with an even looser tackle thus giving Woking the oxygen of another free kick!

Fortunately, the offside flag came to County`s aid, but we needed to tighten up!

 Collar links with Hogan.






The half hour mark came with Ross, the Woking keeper, saving Collar`s shot, play immediately switching ends where an uncharacteristic error by Palmer gifted Effiong a tilt at goal. Thankfully this happened near halfway and Palmer was able to track back and clear the danger!

Then Hogan showed us more of his good side testing Ross to the limit with a probing cross from Collar`s neat pass.

 Tester on the way from Hogan.....

 ....and Ross`s response.





Palmer went centre stage again next heading another corner clear, only for another to follow in rapid order that saw Rohan Ince not that far from notching that sought after opening goal for Woking.


 Ince close for Woking.





That good side surfaced again with first half minutes ebbing away- Hogan putting Ross under pressure with another dangerous cross, being dented only slightly by him blasting over the bar in County`s very next attack.

More good work by Hogan followed as another free kick put County under pressure almost on half time.

This saw Southam- Hales bypass Casey in fine style on the break, only to be body checked by same. A yellow obviously….a free kick also….but Ross did well seeing the danger off with a well-timed punch out!

It was 0-0 at the break, and we needed better from the blues in the second half!



 Half time saw Kenny announce that a bucket collection was being made inside the stadium in support of Children`s Charities following the death of the son of former County star Tom Bennet, and this was being sorted by Help the Hatters, and I was pleased to catch up with them pre match on the Grassy Knoll ….

 Tom Bennet does the half time draw ( Andrew Machin )





Half time also gave Kenny the chance to say the fondest of farewells to a fantastic County supporter Riichi Fujiwara who was heading back to Japan after the game.




 A closer view of that from Andrew Machin.



It has been good to make Riichi`s  acquaintance whilst he has been in England, and hedgegrower wishes him   a safe journey home and a return to these shores soon !



The second half opened with County attacking as the ball went from Johnson to Madden and onto Collar`s head. Unfortunately, the ball flew over the bar, but not by much!

Substitute Jack Roles had been on the park just over a minute when he nicked a free kick, forcing County onto the back foot , but the danger was nicely put to bed by Croasdale and Hinchliffe – fuss at the barest of minimums!


 Collar heads over the top....


 and Andrew Machin`s view of that...





Then it all went a wee bit wobbly……” handbags” I thought……then “ pantomime” as the Referee , oversaw action that might have been acceptable at the Old Vic or Palladium put to music  , but was just the stuff of farse in this setting.

 No music but definitely panto ( Andrew Machin )





Collar and Annesley saw yellow for their part in the proceedings and Hogan was shown a red for what I gather were verbals!!!

County were now potentially in deep…deep doo…doo…down to 10 and Woking were stoked up, and with over   half an hour of the game left to play!

Almost straight away the action swung towards the Railway End Allarakhia seeing his shot blocked on the line by the admirable Palmer.

The situation cried out for clear headed action, and we got it from DC who sent Crankshaw and Newby on for Quigley and Hippolyte. 


 Newby - on and looking good!


 ...ditto Crankshaw ( Andrew Machin )




County went to 4 at the back…..Southam- Hales, Palmer, Johnson, Rydel and notionally it was `backs to the wall`!

There was a fare amount of pressure from Woking for sure but County defended as a team with results suitably commensurate with that- Woking expended much energy pushing us back but with little to show for it…corners….yes…..but they wanted a goal, but Lofthouse`s run just beyond the hour floundered on the rocks that are Palmer and his colleagues in blue!

And there was still the fact that County would wait their chance and hit their opponents from deep- and Ross had to be very nippy indeed to thwart Crankshaw who was threatening to outpace Annesley at one point. 


 Ross`s save denies Madden !




Then there was Newby, and he was reducing the Woking cover to its bare bones with lightning runs and snappy passes- Ross in action again this time making a brilliant save to deny Madden from one of Newby`s sorties.


 Madden- in top form !

 and here`s the header ( Andrew Machin )





If Newby had the left flank sorted, Crankshaw had the right in his sights , and if he could perhaps be well served with a better set of studs, he was still giving the visitors much to think about being carted badly by Roles  on one of his many runs. The challenge rather ridiculously earned a yellow!

The free kick put the pressure back on Woking, but the ball eventually flew wide to ease it!

That said, County were noticeably geed up and not about to concede the game ….indeed they looked to have designs on winning it!

Their next action underlined this with great dobbing brass knobs on!

The ball flew nicely twixt Johnson to Crankshaw, and in a trice County had a corner.

Rydel went right to take this and as usual his delivery was inch perfect- the incoming ball met by Palmer`s head…..County had the lead , and the Cheadle End was alight with joy and excitement!


 The Palmer header....


...and there`s no stopping it !

 that header as seen by Andrew Machin.


 and the bit we all like best ( Andrew Machin )





The excitement was not over either and Ross then flailed uncharacteristically at a Crankshaw cross just getting the barest of somethings on the ball to save the day for his side.


 Crankshaw- massive impact on game !





It went on, Crankshaw clear……flagged offside, as DC swapped Kitching for Rydel.

Three minutes later, after more County attacking, Woking replied, and it looked iffy as Roles advanced on goal and sent his shot goalward. It was on target for sure, but then so was Hinchliffe`s response and he hurled himself back…up…...and to his left to tip the ball over the bar at the last gasp- fantastic keeping!

Southam- Hales had understandably adopted a more defensive posture after the sending off, but he went close to nicking one with under 15 minutes left.

 Just wide !







Twice after this Johnson headed dangerous balls out from under the bar, and Kitching was just Kitching looking like he has never been away getting stuck in as and when needed, great stuff!

We went into the last 5 minutes of normal time with Loza stopping Newby`s gallop with a foul. County went close from the free kick without getting that second goal that they craved.






Another minute…another County raid, but more exasperation as Crankshaw lost his footing as he tried to apply a finish to Kitching`s lob as it bounced menacingly in the box.

On it went with Newby and Crankshaw worrying the life out of the men in red and white.

Woking still kept plugging away when they could though, but they were still faced with a fantastically good blue back line who just would not give an inch. Indeed ,they wanted to attack some more themselves and smack on 90 minutes that `s what they did from a Woking corner- Collar running the ball clear testing Ross with a tasty effort. Chance gone?....nah….Madden latched onto the loose ball and it took another brilliant save from Ross to keep it at 1-0 as 7 minutes added time was announced!


 Madden v Ross....

 not the same action but again Madden v Ross ( Andrew Machin )





County approached those 7 minutes with the same resolve as they had the preceding 90 odd, defending deep and well…Southam- Hales heading out one moment….Madden back doing good stuff the next- allowing a break from Crankshaw that brought some relief from the pressure.






Twice in the games dying embers Woking attacked….twice County blocked `em and ran the ball clear….three times ….but this time the Referee gave Woking a boost via a free kick . It was 10 yards inside the County half so defendable, and that`s just what County did- Palmer doing the honours clearing danger prior to several blasts of the Referees whistle telling us that County had won a very valuable victory!

That was a simply massive win….hewn the hard way from the grist of  adversity – absolutely what is required if we are to stay top and get out of this league!

Well done County!

Here`s to more of the same next Saturday against Weymouth!


Stockport County line up:-

Hinchliffe , Hogan, Palmer, Johnson, Southam-Hales, Croasdale, Collar, Hippolyte ( Newby 59), Rydel ( Kitching 75) , Madden, Quigley ( Crankshaw 59).  

Subs not used: Minihan, C Jennings.


Woking line up:-

Ross, Casey, Champion, Diarra, Effiong, Annesley, Allarakhia, Kabamba ( Loza 73) ( Oakley 85), Anderson ( Roles 49), Ince, Lofthouse.


Subs not used: Smith, McNerney.


Attendance: 6820 ( 163)







                             Additional Gallery:-

A couple first from hedgegrower :-



 And more from Andrew Machin :-



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