Help the Hatters Update 15

Happily we can report that John Fitzpatrick continues to make progress in his recuperation, and he has sent his thanks to all those who have sent good wishes his way whilst he has been incapacitated.We look forward to John returning to rude health in the near future!

Meanwhile work continued for Help the Hatters......

Working Party- Tuesday August 6.

Despite the counter attractions of a Fans Forum and a Team / Juniors/ Sponsors Photo Shoot going on at EP at the same time there were 10 HtH supporters on site to do the biz again in a final Tuesday push. The  party set about numbering the seats in the Railway End, painting the neutral zone at the Railway End corner flag, painting the away bit of the Pop Side and ( for about the 256th time this close season)a sweep up of the Pop Side! Yummy!
Cleaning the sludge from the Railway End gutters would have been a bridge to far, so this enjoyable task was left to Graham.

Next Working Party`s- Sunday 11 and Tuesday 13.

That is all the painting, sweeping done then, there is just some advertising signage to be put in place around the pitch. So if you are available Tuesday 13th and can assist with this please turn up circa 18.30 for what should be our last WP of this close season( with abject apologies to those who were led to believe that Tuesday 6th was just that!).
And......we are endeavouring to tackle the Hardcastle Road frontage this Sunday 11th August , meeting at 09.00 in front of the main stand. We may not have quite enough paint to complete the job but we aim to do as much as we can- knocking off circa 13.00. If you can make it please do.If you have rags, sticks for stirers or anything that you might think would supplement what we are likely to have available do bring it with you.

County v Bolton Wanderers- Monday August 5.

At short notice HtH put on refreshments at this fixture, charging 50p for coffee/ tea and biscuits. The crowd was unsurprisingly small, so for those doing the biz to break even on the night was a credit to them- well done!

                                             HtH Ladies have the Railway End`s number!


We have continued to sell this excellent item, a must for all County supporters but especially the travelling fans amongst our number.
The YB will continue to be sold at each County match- if you are a travelling fan  seek me out( bald head....glazed/ dazed look on face) either on the Fingerpost Flyer or somewhere in or around the stadium.
For home games I will be set up outside the Cheadle End turnstiles ( 18.30 for evening games/ 14.00 for home fixtures).
It really is a good buy at £2, and if any exiles are reading this if they e mail me their details , for £3, a copy will be whizzed to you by post.
Whilst  selling at Cheadle Nomads on Wednesday I bumped into County Legend Tony Barras- one of the best central defenders to put on the blue and white. Tony stood still just long enough to allow me to take a snap.......


This continues to thrive racking up over 3000 page visits in the last 7 days whilst passing the 10000 hits mark ( total page views 11302 as of Thursday 8th).I am grateful for the contribution that Pauline Coddington, Adrian Caville and Graham Privett have made to this situation and I am sure ,like me, you are eagerly awaiting the next articles from the talented trio. Why not add to this talent pool though?  Make it 4......5 or more! Well..... if you fancy writing something let me know !

Fund Raising.

All the stuff Help the Hatters gets up to requires dosh to cover it, and we do our best to do it ourselves via Car Boots and other efforts, but it is a continual struggle with more than a slight hint of the uphill about it at times.
I thought I would draw your attention to the various ways open to supporters and wellwishers to help Help the Hatters.
We are setting up an AdServe facility on the Blog which will hopefully bring in some money, and the site also contains a `donation `button , controlled via PayPal, which enables donations to be made directly to Help the Hatters. Any moneys received will be put to very good use.
Then of course there is the Vital connection whereby merely by visiting  you earn Help the Hatters some money via Vital`s Editor Payments which Andy kindly donates to us.

IO County

Ian Brown


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